Friday, 11 December 2009

First Sowing!

After preparing our school garden, we have started planting: peas and grelos!!! Great job kids!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

1st Meetin in Slovenia!

Nice to meet you all!

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Creating a Logo

Apart from all our job in carrying out "Ecological Farming and Nutrition", we decided to desing a logo for the pupils to feel the unification of all the countries involved in the project. This was a very enjoyable task in which they used all their creative spirit! This time, we made it in form of a competition in which the most 3 voted drawings of each country were chosen for, later on, being voted for the rest of the participant in this singular and exciting crusade.

Monday, 26 October 2009


From 20th to 22nd October there was our first meeting in Kozje, Slovenia. We met for the first time and planned the details of the project. We also exchanged the seeds.

We went to see our garden.

All together in front of the school.

Friday, 16 October 2009

The compost pile

We have used the turf grass and manure to make the compost pile. Compost is the best way to fertilize your garden.


We started to prepare a place for garden. We removed the grass and
made the compost pile from turf grass and manure. It all started with careful planning. We also brought tools from home and we got some at school.

 We measured the garden size and partly removed the turf grass.
We shoveled our
garden and removed the rest of the grass.
Now let the soil rest until spring...

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Greetins from Verducido!

Hey there! This is us in the school garden!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Comenius Project

As an attemp to teach our pupils healthy habits, "Ecological Farming and Nutrition" is a project in which they will see by themselves the importance of ecological farming and healthy food. In each school garden, they will carry out a plantation, observation, taking care and haverting for, later on, tasting what they have been working on along the school year! 

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