Saturday, 26 March 2011


This is Comenius, our virtual pet! Would you mind feeding it with a carrot? Click in more. Thank you!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


This week our school has been a "canteen". Our pupils had a healthy breakfast evey day at school and they also listened to some chats about the importance of healthy food and healthy habits. They were also the centre of healthy tales!!!

Monday, 21 March 2011


Bye Bye winter...
...welcome spring!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Thursday, 3 March 2011


The kids became farmers forone day!!! Come on children, we still have work to do!!!

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Plants' cards

Characteristics: Beans is one of those kinds of vegetables, which belongs to every natural vegetable garden. Disappear when the ice men (mid May), diligent gardening see how slowly and gently graded or pushed into the ground beans. There preklarja and grmiĨarja, eat green beans and kidney beans, bean seeds are all sorts of colors and patterns, mostly kidney-shaped and the taste is just different. GrmiĨarje rank among those beans which do not exceed a height of 40 cm, while the variety preklarja raise up to 5 feet high. Some varieties grow to only a meter high. The growth in height strongly influence the quality of soil in which the beans grow. Today mostly used for human beans fresh, so green, immature discipline. The pods are not only green but also yellow (the best known variety in our yellow colored pods is "kifeljĨar"), dark purple, red, colorful and different. Beans in any form is rightly considered as healthy, abundant food, which can be prepared in many ways.
Specific cares:During the growth of beans should be watered regularly, as it needs moisture. If it lacks water, begin dropping off flowers and pods may not develop. Buds can be disconnected him if we get too spread out.
Plagues: There are many plagues on beans namely: blight beans, rust, black lice,...
Measures: Black lice can be sprayed with water from nettles or ashes.
Price: 1€
Date of plantation and harvesting: May and July-August

Characteristics: Peas are legumes that can be planted in the garden - as soon as the soil thawed. Planted it in soil that has been fortified with compost. Potassium promotes its growth, so in winter, go where it will grow in spring peas, shake wood ashes. Early in the spring, along with compost, buried below the lawn prelopateno go well. Pea does not like acidic soil, so do not add peat soils. Before you plant a pea beans, soak them overnight in water. On gredico tense string and taking it to deepen the trench hoe. Peas planted in 5 cm deep trench and the distance between plants is an approximation of such. Moat, of course, then lavished.
Specific cares: When the young plants start growing, they osujemo both sides in the trenches and lay incurred zastirko. Prepare peas support, which most of draĨja. Suitable hazel or beech branches, which are well diversified. From sowing to ripening peas resolved four months, sometimes only three months and a half, if we plant an early variety. Recommended seeding in fortnightly intervals from March to late May. Peas drought is not transferred, so it should be watered in the dry spring. We will keep soil moist, well if we covered it with zastirko.
Plagues: There are many plagues on peas such as: rust, gray mold, leaf scab,...
Measures: Mottle in the leafy spray young plants with the broth from the horsetail.  Gray mold in crops planted in the prevention of large intervals, moderate fertilize, spray it with broth horsetail.
Price: 1,5 €
Date of plantation and harvesting: April-May and July - August

Characteristics and Specific cares: If there is a sunny vegetable king of the world, is almost certainly carrots. Carrot is also one of the oldest types of vegetables. Carrots are grown without any major problems, but we need mufflers full-time, drought and irrigated. Grows best in light, fertile limestone soils. Premokrih and overweight in the ground like roots are vaccinated and never develop as nice as the ground without waterlogging. It is recommended that carrots grown in the rotation. Carrots are not succeeding in a freshly fertilized soil, so choose gredico we fertilizers by at least a year before sowing. In any case, only the mature fertilized (horse) manure or mature compost. Carrots or sow in rows across the surface from early spring to two-week intervals. Thus, we provide a regular supply of homemade carrot that can liven up the plentiful selection of different varieties, especially if you try carrots are tender varieties in some specialist stores across the border. Also, it is prudent to sow together with salad and redkvico, who are more chambers, and so we know where we planted carrots. Young plants diluted to spread a few inches; pulled seedlings for free to consume salads. From two to three months after sowing already enjoy tasty crop, which is prepared in various ways. Previously, only wash it, peel it need not be. In any case, it grated on salads and prepare a separate salad, for example, with sour cream. Cook it in boiling, add to soups and stews prepared in which a lateral or central role. The potential is simply so much that they just never run out. And the taste is very decisive tonic and healing freshly squeezed carrot juice and do not forget.
Plagues and Measures: Carrot fly is a very annoying bug that can completely destroy the crop of carrots. Their eggs lying on sheets, letters, which develop from them, and you bite tunnels at the base. Damaged carrot fly smell from far away. Injuries caused by carrot fly unnoticed until the leaves become reddish korenjevo. Carrots can be protected with soot that spread out after rain or watering. It also helps if the sow carrots leeks, onions or goatee beard.
Equally destructive is the carrot decay, which we see as brown spots on the roots, as they are to develop tiny red spores. So sick we have to destroy the carrots. Baby carrots you like to enjoy a root and aphids.
Price: 1€
Date of plantation and harvesting: April-May and July - September


Characteristics: Beetroot is undemanding plant that thrives wherever there is a position sufficiently bright and warm. We grow easily in your garden or on the field and enjoy throughout the year. Varieties with round tubers are less demanding than elongated. Storage through the winter cut leaves at least two centimeters from the root, so that in the event of cooking from the ends juice. Tubers stored in the basement of red beets sprinkled with sand, in small quantities, which previously consumed, but also on the shelves where air circulates. The air temperature is stored red beet, should be approximately between six and eight degrees Celsius. Cities can buy in the autumn of red beet farmers, and you save yourself for the winter. Peeled and sliced ​​tuber slices loaded into the jars, if desired, add a little ground cumin and pour the cider or wine vinegar. So we will be available whenever you wish or we will need.
Specific cares: /
Plagues and Measures:/
Price: 2€
Date of plantation and harvesting: June-July and September-October

Characteristics: Parsley likes a fertile garden soil, for witloof parsley must be deep enough. Both are among the few plants that can be planted even in a more shady area. Parsley-leaved sow from spring to summer, spring turnip just to have enough time for root growth and debelitev. Parsley is a bit difficult at first garden plant. Seeds germinate slowly and usually lasts from two to three regular, the first seedlings to grow. If the seeds have more than one year, very often happens, they do not vzkalijo. Therefore, we dedicate to him during the quenching as much attention: go with parsley weed regularly, otherwise they will drown sejanĨke weeds. Young plants watered regularly. If drought occurs during the growth or lack of watering often happens that their roots are split into several smaller, which is not characteristic of turnip parsley. After about four weeks to become bigger and stronger, soon to be cut in the abundance of garden, which will be maintained in place until late autumn. Then protect it from cold and continues to tear. Parsley and lurking in the soil next spring at an early age may again tear sheets to a new cure. However, as the biennials, the joy does not last long because soon the plants grow and bloom flowering stem. Then it's time that we think of a new sowing.
Specific cares: Parsley can be grown naturally without the Garden: the containers on the balcony or window sill. For leaf parsley is already enough small flower pot, the turnip, we must find a larger pan or dish. It must have enough space to his roots will be developed and thickness.
Plagues and Measures: Parsley is a healthy plant that has no enemies. Address the root is the only markings. Stems become rusty, the roots are rotting. The cause is usually a wet summer or water retention on the shaft. Drought is the best medicine. Diseased plants dug and burned.
Price: 0, 50€
Date of plantation and harvesting: Spring – Summer and Autumn

Characteristics: Radishes develop a rosette of krpatih, lobed leaves, and a strong root. The root is in shape can slug or spindle, cilindast, oval or cylindrical, depending on variety, can grow up to 30 cm in length and is white. For more or less thick skin, which may be rough or smooth, is always behind the white meat. The most important component of the root that provides odor and taste of radish, mustard oil Sat.
Specific cares: We have a lot of kinds of radishes, from summer to winter radish so you can enjoy all year round.
Plagues and Measures: /
Price: 2€
Date of plantation and harvesting: All year apart from winter

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