Wednesday, 25 May 2011


From the 14th to the 21st of May,the Spanish teachers travelled to Turkey. We spent four wonderful days in Aksaray where, apart from becoming part of their everyday customs, we also taste their delicious food and visit their amazing region. Thank you guys for your hospitality!!!


Picking blueberries

We made the blueberry pie ourselves.



Local crops

and foreign crops

Sunday, 22 May 2011



Il meeting a Pontevedra è stato bello!!!

L'ospitalità è stata molto calorosa!!!
Un grazie alla Scuola Infantile di Verducido!!!!!!!

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Pupils making the balanced diet pie chart in February 2011


Outdoor life in Suonenjoki


First seeds were sown at school in March, 2010


Garden work in Vanhamäki organic farm in May.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Cabbage leaves stuffed with rice filling with olive oil (zeytinyagli lahana dolma)

Ingredients : for 4 person
1 cabbage (2 kg), olive oil (50 gram), 1 lemon juice, salt (15 gram), rice filling (without dill)
Preparation : Open the cabbage leaves, remove the hard part. Chose the suitable part for filing and cook in the big pan with salted water for 10 minutes. Cabbage leaves should be very soft, over cooked leaves tear easily. Take them from the water, drain and cool. Fill the each leaves with rice fdling. Fold the two sides over the filling and roll it on like a finger. Put them into cooking pan, add lemon juice, olive oil, salt and 200 gram water. Cover and cook on low heat for 70 minutes. Serve with lemon slice.


6 servings
*250 gr. mutton,
*4 tablespoons margarine,
*2 medium size onions,
*250 gr. green beans,
*2 medium size zucchini squash,
*2 medium size egg-plants,
*150 gr. okras,
*3 large tomatoes,
*6 bell peppers,
*4 glasses meat stock or water,
*4 tablespoons vinegar,
*2 teaspoons salt
Melt 1 tablespoon of margarine in a saucepan. Add chopped onions and lightly brown them. Add the meat cut into pieces (with bones) and 1 teaspoon of salt. Cover and cook on medium heat for 20-25 minutes, stirring from time to time. Remove the ends and the strings of the green beans and cut them in halves. Scrape the skin of the zucchinis. Cut them lengthwise into four, and then cut each one into 3-4 cm. pieces. Leave the beans and the squash in water. Peel the egg-plants leaving lengthwise stripes. Cut them lengthwise into four and each one into 3-4 cm. pieces. Leave them in salted water.
Trim the caps of the okras. Sprinkle with salt and vinegar, mix well. Boil the green beans and the squash in 1 glass of water (or meat stock) with 1 tablespoon of margarine for 15-20 minutes. Melt 2 tablespoons of margarine in a small saucepan. Drain the egg-plants, squeeze and dry them. Fry them lightly. Wash the okras. Add them to the green beans and the squash. Spread the meat over the vegetables, together with its sauce. Put a layer of sliced tomatoes, a layer of egg-plants, another layer of sliced tomatoes and bell peppers. Sprinkle with salt. Add the meat stock or water. Cover and cook on medium heat for 1 1/2 hours.


6 servings
* 6 medium size egg-plants,
* 6 medium size onions,
* 3 large tomatoes,
* 8 doves of garlic,
* 17/2 teaspoons salt,
* 4 teaspoons sugar,
* 1 glass olive oil,
* 1/2 bunch of parsley
Cut the onions in thin lengthwise slices. Brown them in olive oil, together with peeled cloves of garlic. Add peeled and chopped tomatoes. Remove the stems of the egg-plants. Peel them in lengthwise stripes. Cut them lengthwise into halves. Place the egg-plants side by side in a flat pan. Spread the onion and tomato mixture over them. Sprinkle with salt and sugar. Pour in 2 glasses of water. Cover and cook on medium heat until they are very soft. Let cool. Arrange the egg-plants on a serving dish. Heap the onions and tomatoes on each one. Decorate with chopped parsley. Carefully pour the sauce in from one side.


6 servings
* 1 kg. mutton,
* 2 tablespoons margarine,
* 3 tablespoons oil,
* 2 large onions,
* 2 medium size tomatoes or
* 2 tablespoons tomato paste,
* 4 medium size egg-plants,
* 2 teaspoons salt,
* 1/2 teaspoon pepper
Cut the egg-plants lengthwise into four and each one into 4 cm. long pieces. Leave them in salted
water for 1/2 an hour-Drain and squeeze them lightly to extract the excess water. Heat the oil and
margarine together. Fry the egg-plants lightly. Take them out. In the same saucepan put half of the
meat cut into cubes and saute them for 2-3 minutes and take them out. Repeat the same for the other
half. In the same saucepan lightly brown the onions cut into thin lengthwise slices. Add peeled and
chopped tomatoes or tomato paste. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the meat, salt, pepper and 2 glasses of
warm water. Cover and cook on low heat for 11/2 hours until the meat is tender. Add the fried eggplants and cook for 30 minutes more.


Characteristics: Bean is a common name for large plant seeds of several genera of the family Fabaceae (alternately Leguminosae) used for human food or animal feed.
Beans have significant amounts of fiber and soluble fiber, with one cup of cooked beans providing between nine to 13 grams of fiber. Soluble fiber can help lower blood cholesterol.[10] Beans are also high in protein, complex carbohydrates, folate, and iron.
The common bean is a highly variable species with a long history. Bush varieties form erect bushes 20–60 cm tall, while pole or running varieties form vines 2–3 m long. All varieties bear alternate, green or purple leaves, divided into three oval, smooth-edged leaflets, each 6–15 cm long and 3–11 cm wide. The white, pink, or purple flowers are about 1 cm long, and give way to pods 8–20 cm long, 1–1.5 cm wide, green, yellow, black or purple in color, each containing 4–6 beans. The beans are smooth, plump, kidney-shaped, up to 1.5 cm long, range widely in color, and are often mottled in two or more colors.
Specific cares: Bean plants should not be planted until the danger of frost has passed and should be placed in moist, fertile soil to stimulate growth.
Abundant sunlight is also essential to the growth of healthy bean plants.
Gardeners should be careful to not harm the plant's root system when weeding, as the roots of the bean plant do not reach deep into the soil.
Plagues: There are many plagues such as: black rot, caused by a bacterium, blackleg or black stem,.
Measures: All beans, except cool-weather fava beans, are sensitive to frost and cold soil temperatures. Plant your main crop when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Rotate the location of your bean crops from year to year to discourage disease. Snap beans (sometimes called string beans, although plant breeders have developed varieties without the tough string) are eaten whole, pod and all, when seeds inside are undeveloped or very small. Shell beans are eaten fresh after they are removed from the pod. Dried beans are harvested when the pods dry out, and they require extended cooking.
Price:3 TL (1,5 €)
Date of plantation and harvesting: May and July-August


Characteristics: It is a herbaceous, biennial, dicotyledonous flowering plant distinguished by a short stem upon which is crowded a mass of leaves, usually green but in some varieties red or purplish, which while immature form a characteristic compact, globular cluster. Cabbage leaves often have a delicate, powdery, waxy coating called bloom. The occasionally sharp or bitter taste of cabbage is due to glucosinolate(s). Cabbages are also a good source of riboflavin.
Specific cares: When cabbages are 4 to 5 inches tall, thin or transplant to stand 18 to 24 inches apart. Apply a thick layer of mulch to retain moisture. Water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. Contact your local county extension office for controls of common cabbage pests such as aphids, root maggots, cabbageworms, and cabbage loopers.
Plagues: Among the many destructive diseases affecting the cabbage and often other members of the cabbage family are:
• blackleg or black stem, caused by certain fungi (such as Phoma lingam); lesions in the stem near the soil surface become sunken and dark, and may girdle the stem
• black ring or black ring spot, caused by a virus; necrotic, dark and often sunken rings on the leaf surface
• black rot, caused by a bacterium
• cabbagehead, abnormal growth in rutabagas caused by larvae of a gall midge (Contarinia nasturtii) feeding in basal part of the stalks
• cabbage yellows or cabbage wilt, caused by a fungus yellowing and dwarfing
Many insects and other pests infest cabbage plants, among them. Such as: cabbage worm, cabbage fly, cabbage curculio, striped flea beetle …etc.
Measures: Sometimes young cabbages are picked early when it is tender and small, and it is eaten as "baby veggies". Those vegetables are more tender and sweet than older picked cabbages, and can be stored for a longer time.
Price:4 TL (2 €)
Date of plantation and harvesting:May and September


Characteristics: The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around ribbing with thin, spiraling tendrils. The plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit. The fruit of the cucumber is roughly cylindrical, elongated with tapered ends, and may be as large as 60 centimetres (24 in) long and 10 centimetres (3.9 in) in diameter. Having an enclosed seed and developing from a flower, botanically speaking, cucumbers are classified as fruits. However, much like tomatoes and squash they are often perceived, prepared and eaten as though they were vegetables.Cucumbers are usually more than 90% water.
Specific cares: Traditional varieties produce male blossoms first, then female, in about equivalent numbers. New gynoecious hybrid cultivars produce almost all female blossoms. However, since these varieties do not provide pollen, they must have interplanted a pollenizer variety and the number of beehives per unit area is increased. Insecticide applications for insect pests must be done very carefully to avoid killing off the insect pollinators. The usual commercial method of cultivating cucumbers involves the use of mineral (manufactured) fertilizer
Plagues: Flea Beetles : Do not generally do serious damage. Dust with Rotenone, Remove debris each year. Rotate location
Aphids : Insecticidal soaps or a strong stream of water. Diazinon, sevin, and thiodan are also registered for aphids on cucumbers. * Pesticide use and recommendations for various areas are constantly changing. Check with your County agent for current recommendations.
Measures: Spray the plants with fish emulsion fertilizer about four weeks after germination, or side-dress with compost. Vining cucumbers perform better when growing on trellises than they do sprawling across the ground. They get better air circulation and thus fall prey to fewer disease and insect problems, and they produce more - and straighter - fruits.
Price:1 TL (50 p)
Date of plantation and harvesting:April and July
Characteristics: 40–60 cm (16–24 in), with slender stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves 10–20 cm (3.9–7.9 in) long. The ultimate leaf divisions are 1–2 mm (0.039–0.079 in) broad, slightly broader than the similar leaves of fennel, which are threadlike, less than 1 mm (0.039 in) broad, but harder in texture. The flowers are white to yellow, in small umbels 2–9 cm (0.79–3.5 in) diameter. The seeds are 4–5 mm (0.16–0.20 in) long and 1 mm (0.039 in) thick, and straight to slightly curved with a longitudinally ridged surface.
Specific cares: Successful cultivation requires warm to hot summers with high sunshine levels; even partial shade will reduce the yield substantially. It also prefers rich, well drained soil. The seeds are viable for 3–10 years.
The seed is harvested by cutting the flower heads off the stalks when the seed is beginning to ripen. The seed heads are placed upside down in a paper bag and left in a warm dry place for a week. The seeds then separate from the stems easily for storage in an airtight container.
Plagues: A seed borne disease that can be very destructive in wet summers. Seed heads are severely damaged.
Measures: Clean seed, grown well away from area of previous infection.
Price: 50 kr (25 p)
Date of plantation and harvesting: April, June , July


Characteristics: The tomato belongs to the nightshade family. The plants typically grow to 1–3 metres (3–10 ft) in height and have a weak stem that often sprawls over the ground and vines over other plants. It is a perennial in its native habitat, although often grown outdoors in temperate climates as an annual..
The tomato is now grown worldwide for its edible fruits, with thousands of cultivars having been selected with varying fruit types, and for optimum growth in differing growing conditions. Cultivated tomatoes vary in size from tomberries, about 5mm in diameter, through cherry tomatoes, about the same 1–2 centimetres (0.4–0.8 in) size as the wild tomato, up to beefsteak tomatoes 10 centimetres (4 in) or more in diameter. The most widely grown commercial tomatoes tend to be in the 5–6 centimetres (2.0–2.4 in) diameter range. Most cultivars produce red fruit; but a number of cultivars with yellow, orange, pink, purple, green, black, or white fruit are also available. Multicolored and striped fruit can also be quite striking. Tomatoes grown for canning and sauces are often elongated, 7–9 centimetres (3–4 in) long and 4–5 centimetres (1.6–2.0 in) diameter; they are known as plum tomatoes, and have a lower water content. Roma-type tomatoes are important cultivars in the Sacramento Valley.

Specific cares: Provide an even supply of water all season. If staking or trellising, prune suckers to allow one or two central stems to grow on staked plants, two or three central stems for trellis systems. Apply a thick layer of organic mulch 4 or 5 weeks after transplanting.
Plagues: Tomato cultivars vary widely in their resistance to disease. Modern hybrids focus on improving disease resistance over the heirloom plants. One common tomato disease is tobacco mosaic virus, and for this reason smoking or use of tobacco products are discouraged around tomatoes, although there is some scientific debate[citation needed] over whether the virus could possibly survive being burned and converted into smokeAnother particularly dreaded disease is curly top, carried by the beet leafhopper, which interrupts the lifecycle, ruining a nightshade plant as a crop. As the name implies, it has the symptom of making the top leaves of the plant wrinkle up and grow abnormally.
Some common tomato pests are stink bugs, cutworms, tomato hornworms and tobacco hornworms, aphids, cabbage loopers, whiteflies, tomato fruitworms, flea beetles, red spider mite, slugs
Measures: For best flavor, harvest tomatoes when they are firm and fully colored. Fruits will continue to ripen if you pick them when they are half-ripe and bring them indoors, but the flavor is often better if you allow fruits to ripen on the vine.
Price:1 TL (50 p)
Date of plantation and harvesting:April and July

Thursday, 5 May 2011


Who's this guy? He came early this morning to stay in our garden!!!

He looks nice, don't you think the same?


Characteristics: The eggplant, aubergine, melongene, brinjal, or guinea squash (Solanum melongena) is a plant of the family Solanaceae (also known as the nightshades) and genus Solanum. It bears a fruit of the same name, commonly used in cooking.
It is a delicate perennial often cultivated as an annual. It grows 40 to 150 cm (16 to 57 in) tall, with large coarsely lobed leaves that are 10 to 20 cm (4–8 in) long and 5 to 10 cm (2–4 in) broad. Semiwild types can grow much larger, to 225 cm (7 ft) with large leaves over 30 cm (12 in) long and 15 cm (6 in) broad. The stem is often spiny. The flowers are white to purple, with a five-lobed corolla and yellow stamens. The fruit is fleshy, has a meaty texture, and is less than 3 centimetres (1.2 in) in diameter on wild plants, but much larger in cultivated forms.
The fruit is botanically classified as a berry, and contains numerous small, soft seeds, which are edible, but are bitter because they contain nicotinoid alkaloids, unsurprising as it is a close relative of tobacco.
Specific cares: Many pests and diseases which afflict other solanaceous plants, such as tomato, pepper (capsicum), and potato, are also troublesome to eggplants. For this reason, it should not be planted in areas previously occupied by its close relatives.
Plagues: Small Insects found on new stems and the underside of the leaf. Usually green. They suck fluids from the plant leaving a honey dew substance behind. Leaves turn pale yellow.
Measures: They suck fluids from the plant leaving a honey dew substance behind. Leaves turn pale yellow. Insecticidal soaps or a strong stream of water. Ladybug beetles are natural predators. * Thiodan or Diazinon ? more than one application may be required. A layer of aluminum foil under plants reflects light to underside of leaves and may deter aphids.
Price:1 TL (50 p)
Date of plantation and harvesting:April and July


Characteristics: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant species in the genus Foeniculum (treated as the sole species in the genus by most botanists). It is a member of the family Apiaceae.
It is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb with culinary and medicinal uses, and is one of the primary ingredients of absinthe. Florence fennel or finocchio is a selection with a swollen, bulb-like stem base that is used as a vegetable.
It is erect, glaucous green, and grows to heights of up to 2.5 m, with hollow stems. The leaves grow up to 40 cm long. they are finely dissected, with the ultimate segments filiform (threadlike), about 0.5 mm wide. (Its leaves are similar to those of dill, but thinner.) The flowers are produced in terminal compound umbels 5–15 cm wide, each umbel section having 20–50 tiny yellow flowers on short pedicels. The fruit is a dry seed from 4–10 mm long, half as wide or less, and grooved.
Specific cares: Cool weather is best for growing fennel. Seeds germinate best at soil temperatures of 61 to 64 F. The plant has a tendency to bolt (flower prematurely) in warm summer weather. When you are growing fennel for the bulb, select a variety that will grow for a long time before bolting in order to produce better-developed bulbs. Fennel prefers frequent irrigation for rapid growth. Moisture stress causes the basal stalk to split. Fennel plants are believed to release a chemical that impairs the growth of some other plants, so it should not be grown very close to beans, tomatoes or members of the cabbage family.
Plagues: Fennel competes poorly with weeds. Aphids can cause severe damage so as soon as there is signs of aphids
Measures: Use a garlic spray to disperse them.
Price:2 TL (1 €)
Date of plantation and harvesting: April-June- July


Characteristics: Buckwheat groats are commonly used in western Asia and eastern Europe. The porridge was common, and is often considered the definitive peasant dish. It is made from roasted groats that are cooked with broth to a texture similar to rice or bulgur.
Buckwheat contains no gluten and can thus be eaten by people with coeliac disease or gluten allergies
Buckwheat plants grow quickly, beginning to produce seed in about 6 weeks and ripening at 10 to 11 weeks. They grow 30 to 50 inches (75 to 125 cm) tall.
Specific cares: Buckwheat is raised for grain where a short season is available, either because it is used as a second crop in the season, or because the climate is limiting.
Buckwheat can be a reliable cover crop in summer to fit a small slot of warm season for establishment. It establishes quickly, which suppresses summer weeds
Plagues: Powdery Mildew is a common seedborne infection that results in light blotches on the leaf.
Aster yellows is a phytoplasma disease that causes the flowers to be small, green and sterile.
Measures: These blotches become more apparent during seed fill and may even result in small necrotic areas. The inoculum resides under the hull of the buckwheat kernels after having grown in in the flower of the preceding generation. The fungus grows inside the leaf from the beginning, there is no external phase of the infection. Therefore, no treatment is possible. Fortunately, previous experience has shown that there is no effect on yield and that the infection does not get worse. No treatment is needed.
It is commonly seen in buckwheat fields, but only affects a few plants. It is spread by aster leafhoppers. There is no significant effect on yield, nor is there any prevention. Since it serves as a host, buckwheat will not reduce populations of the pathogen when it is used in rotations with crops that are susceptible to aster yellows (lettuce and carrots)
Price:6 TL (100 gr) 3 €
Date of plantation and harvesting:June-July and August


Characteristics: Lettuce is a low calorie food and is a source of vitamin A and folic acid. Lactucarium (or “Lettuce Opium”) is a mild opiate-like substance that is contained in all types of lettuce.
It is eaten either raw, notably in salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, tacos, and many other dishes, or cooked.
The lettuce plant has a short stem initially (a rosette growth habit), but when it gradually blooms, the stem and branches lengthen and produce many flower heads that look like those of dandelions, but smaller
Specific cares: Mulch plants in early summer to keep the soil cool. Water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. Insects and diseases are rare in home lettuce plantings.
Plagues: Small Insects found on new stems and the underside of the leaf. Usually green. They suck fluids from the plant leaving a honey dew substance behind. Leaves turn pale yellow.
Measures: Insecticidal soaps or spray with a strong stream of water to wash off. Ladybug beetles are natural predators. * Can use Rotenone in early growth. * Pesticide use and recommendations for various areas are constantly changing.
Price: 1 TL, 50p
Date of plantation and harvesting: April – June -July


Characteristics: Melon is a name given to various members of the plant family with fleshy fruit e.g. gourds or cucurbits. Melon can be referred as a plant or a fruit. Many different cultivars have been produced. The plant grows as a vine. Although the melon is a fruit, some varieties may be considered "culinary vegetables".
Specific cares: Thin when plants touch each other, leaving healthiest plants about 2 feet apart. If desired, cover rows with row covers to maintain warmth and promote fast growth. Water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. Contact your local County Extension office for controls of common melon pests such as cucumber beetles and squash vine borers.
Plagues: Deformed or curled leaves. Green, brown, or black soft bodied insects on under sides of leaves. Sticky honeydew or black sooty mold sometimes present.
Leaves with small specks which turn yellow, then brown. Vines wilt from point of attack to end of vine.
Measures: Strong water spray or insecticidal soap spray. Must get spray on the insects to be effective. Some damage can be tolerated. Ladybug beetles are natural predators.
Trap adults beneath boards in spring--turn over boards in morning and kill bugs. Handpick adults, egg mass and young bugs on plants. Adults are about 5/8-inch long, grayish or yellowish brown, flat backed and speckled.
Price:2 TL (1 €)
Date of plantation and harvesting: May-June and September


Characteristics: The glistening greens of the leaves and the rainbow of colors of the ripening peppers -- red, yellow, orange, green, brown or purple -- make pepper plants an ornamental, as well as delicious, addition to the garden. Sweet bell peppers go well with just about anything and are wonderful eaten right out of the garden, while the hotter varieties spice up many recipes. Stuffed peppers, pickled peppers, fried peppers -- peppers fit in, deliciously, everywhere. Peppers like warmth, so wait to plant until the soil and air temperature has warmed up reliably.
Specific cares: Provide deep watering weekly for pepper plants. Support bushy, heavy-yielding plants with 2-foot-high cages, or stake them. Apply heavy organic mulches when summer heat begins to peak. Temperatures over 90 degrees F can cause buds and blossoms to drop; the condition is more serious if humidity is low also. Pests are not a serious concern.
Water frequently for a week or two after transplanting, gradually diminishing and increasing depth of penetration.
After that, thoroughly soak soil about once a week. Do not sprinkle late in the day. Mulch soil around plants with plastic or mulch to maintain uniform moisture levels.
Fruit set is determined by temperature. Peppers set fruit between nighttime temperatures of 60° F and 75° F. Daytime temperatures that reach above 95° F will abort blossoms. Hot, dry winds intensify these problems
Plagues:Small Insects found on new stems and the underside of the leaf. Usually green. They suck fluids from the plant leaving a honey dew substance behind. Leaves turn pale yellow.
Mottled leaves. Plant becomes sickly and dies
Measures: Insecticidal soaps or a strong stream of water. Ladybug beetles are natural predators. * Thiodan or Diazinon ? more than one application may be required. * Pesticide use and recommendations for various areas are constantly changing. Check with your County agent for current recommendations.
If you use tobacco, do not handle plants without washing thoroughly with soap. Do not smoke around tomato plants. Destroy affected plants
Price:1 TL (1 kg) 50 p
Date of plantation and harvesting: April-June- July


Characteristics: They are grown and consumed throughout the world. Radishes have numerous varieties, varying in size, color and duration of required cultivation time. There are some radishes that are grown for their seeds; oilseed radishes are grown, as the name implies, for oil production.
Radish varieties vary in size, color, shape, and taste --some are very pungent, while others are quite mild. Plant short-season or spring varieties in spring or fall, depending on local temperatures. Ideal growing temperature is 60 degrees F to 65 degrees F. Cooler or warmer weather results in harsher-tasting radishes. Plants will mature in 18 to 45 days, depending on variety. Plant winter types in the summer or fall, depending on the variety; they mature in 45 to 70 days.
Specific cares: The secret to good radishes is plenty of even moisture. They are a good starter crop for gardens and because they mature in 3 to 4 weeks, they are fun for children to raise. Plant in cool weather to avoid hot radishes and replant small crops every 2 to 3 weeks. Thin shortly after they emerge because they mature so quickly
Plagues: Leaves wilt and growth is stunted. Insect is common, white, root feeding maggot. 1/4" long adult flies emerge from the soil about the time cherries bloom and lay eggs at base of plants in surrounding soil. Legless larvae feeds on host plant for three weeks, riddling the roots with brown tunnels before they pupate Two or three generations can occur each growing season.
Measures: Use Diazinon before planting as a soil treatment. Rotate from year to year.
Price: 50 kr (1 kilo) 25p
Date of plantation and harvesting: April-June- July

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