Friday, 1 October 2010

Visiting an ecological farm Macek in Lesicno near Kozje

On Thursday 30th September 2010 pupils from 7th and 9th grades visited an ecological farm as a part of the natural science day. Mrs. Irena Macek and her son welcomed them.


 Mrs Irena answered the questions, presented the ecological farming, compared it to the regular intensive farming and pointed out the advantages of ecological farming which has a very bright future. She also said that becoming an ecological farm is a process and that there are regular inspections which make sure that crops are truly ecological. She also showed the certificate.

The pupils could also see the farming machines, the housewife also showed the milling of the grains, as on any farm the most special part are the animals, we could see pigs, cows, rabbits, chicken...

At the end there was a surprise for the pupils. The goodies from the Macek ecological farm! All the pupils were united: Ecological is very tasty!

 There is no better way to get to know ecological farming in your area than to visit a farm and get information first hand.

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